Monday, May 04, 2009

The Truth About Greyhound Racing


  1. Nigel! Is this actually what they say to you guys? I had no flippin idea! Thanks for informing me. I always learn so much when I come here.

  2. So not cool having to chase a rabbit that you will never catch!

    Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

  3. A terrible life for greyhounds; not one to be making smart jokes over.


  4. Oh did I just open a can of worms?

    Perfect! :)

  5. Nigel's blog...Nigel's rules. He's a greyhound and if he has a sense of humor, I'm thinking we should, too! But, then again, wild Scotties run things here at my home, so what do I know...

  6. Starlight - Box?! Where's the box... wanna run... woohoo! No jewel kicking...

    Gate - Which way do I run?!

    Paige - Not now, I'm napping...

  7. Oh my! Buddy is terrified of Thunder. He is like chicken little with the sky falling. And lets not talk about the vaccuum. We recently moved into a place with tile floors so that is no more vaccuum and believe me Buddy is happier now!!!

  8. Greyhound racing is evil. So happy to see some of the lucky ones that are adopted visit our beach often.

  9. no life for a greyhound or any dog...someone ought to stick a few people in those boxes and make them run, then put them in a cage, in between runs... I do love watching the coursing hounds, though, watching a dog so completely into what they love to do, there's something special about that.

  10. Those poor puppies have to stay in boxes? That is just not right... Where is the lake?

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus, Louie and Callie

  11. WOW!

    No wonder my neighbour Khloe runs so fast...


  12. Some things I'll never understand. I agree about the coursing, though. I would love to let that speed demon Sally try her hand....or coursing.

  13. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Amazing what the general population out there thinks of greyhound racing. Greyhounds love a quick run, do not dislike the box and actually do much better than all of the breeds I see in animal shelters all over the place. Adopt a greyhound!

  14. We are thinking that those humans needs to be kicked in the jewels during a thuderstorm while being sucked down a vacuum.

  15. Please update us on Nigel?? How is he doing??

  16. We are busy catching up with everyone after our weekend away.

    Simba and Jazzi xxxx

  17. Yeah, I figured as much. Lots of trash talk.


  18. Anonymous8:04 AM

    I just don't see the humor in this. We run a greyhound rescue and we've never seen the race dogs being cared for properly. I'd like to stick those people in a box!

  19. I'll say it again...the humor in it is that Nigel Buggers, the writer of this blog happens to be one of the lucky greyhounds who loves his life and loves his home after his racing days.

    It's a blog, people, it's not a testimony in a court room. If the writer wants to have fun, have it with them...or there are zillions of sites there for consideration in its sted...
