Greyhound Adoption

An issue near to our hearts. It's no secret that we are partial to Labs and Greyhounds. Both breeds are easygoing, sweet, and relatively easy to live with as far as large dogs go. This is not to say that we do not appreciate all breeds - it's just not possible to have one of each!

That said, there is something about Greyhounds that is different. Many Greyhound owners will tell you the same, and struggle for the words to define that difference when asked to do so. Words like sweet, kind, and gentle are often used in conversations about them. All are accurate. What really sticks with me, though, is a very real sense of innocence in the majority of these dogs.

This innocence is not something you glean from pictures or the written word. It is necessary to spend time in the presence of these noble, loving, and incredibly grateful animals in order to understand. That said, the objective of this undertaking is rather simple: to facilitate more meetings between Greyhounds and potential adopters. The best method we know is the sharing of information, and our first task starts with this thread.

Below you will find a list of links to rescue organizations. There are many sources of such links available online. Often, for political or philosophical differences, these lists exclude certain organizations in favor of others. While it is understandable that some in the animal rescue community do not see eye to eye, it is not our desire to judge individual rescue organizations. We simply hope to build the most comprehensive and up to date list of Greyhound rescue links available, politics aside. A big picture approach to an issue worthy of it.

Rarely do we ask anything from our readers - but in this case, we do ask this: if you know anyone with a Greyhound, please share this with them. They may have adopted from a great rescue org that just has not made it on to our list yet. Or perhaps the next person they pass this along to will offer up another worthy suggestion for the list. Watch the list grow in the coming days and weeks!

Help us to help these wonderful dogs if you have any information that may be beneficial. Please e-mail suggested links to We'll collect these links and continue to add them to the list. Please also let us know if you discover broken links - this list has been assembled quickly, in the wee hours of the night, under conditions of severe sleep deprivation. :)

While we are on the topic of sleep deprivation, it occurred to me late one evening that it might be fun to make a little something to help promote this effort. As always, we decided to sprinkle it with our own unique blend of herbs and spices. We think you'll agree that we captured a little of that Life With Dogs flavor in the process.

Who doesn't love stickers? Here is a great, fun way to bring a little attention to the issue, and to this link directory - which will now have feature a link on the sidebar of this page in perpetuity. Two dollars gets you one of these fine bumper adornments, lets the world know you care, and may just help to introduce a hound in need to a loving home. Funds collected will be used to print more stickers and mail them out. The remainder will be donated to some of the same rescue organizations found in this list. Fun! *Watch for a post immediately following this one for ordering info. If you just can't wait, send an e-mail to And BrittBeah gets credit for being a mind reader, a fridge magnet is coming soon!

Please help in any way that you are able. I know with certainty that these magnificent animals would thank you if they could.

Birmingham Greyhounds

Homes For Hounds

Mid-South Greyhound Adoption Option

Arizona Adopt A Greyhound
Arizona Greyhound Rescue

Racing Home Greyhound Adoption
Greyhounds 2 Go Adoptions

Adopt-A-Star Greyhound Agency
Golden State Greyhound Adoption

GPA CA - Orange county and greater LA
Greyhound Adoption Center

Greyhound Friends For Life
Homestretch Greyhound Rescue and Adoption
Operation Greyhound
Wine Country Greyhound Adoption

Greyhound Adoption California
Needle Nose Crew

Recycled Racers 
Friends of Retired Greyhounds
Colorado Greyhound Adoption

Connecticut Greyhound Adoption

Greyhound Rescue and Rehabilitation
We Adopt Greyhounds

Greyt Expectations Greyhound Rescue
Greyhound Welfare Inc.

GAF Northeast Chapter
First State Greyhound Rescue 

GREAT Greyhounds
Friends of Greyhounds
Greyhound Adoptions of Florida

Greyhound Ranch Adoptions, Inc.
Homeward Bound Greyhounds

Joey's Greyhound Friends
Second Chance for Greyhounds
The Greyhound Gang of Florida

Adopt a Greyhound Atlanta
Greyhound Friends of Augusta
Greyhounds Galore
GSRA Greyhound Adoptions

Southeastern Greyhound Club

Greyhound Rescue of Idaho
Greyhound Pets, Inc. 

REGAP of Illinois
Midwest Greyhound Adoption
Central Illinois Greyhound Adoption 

All Star Greyhounds 
American Greyhound

Heartland Greyhound Adoption
Quad City Greyhound Adoption

Kansas City REGAP
TLC Greyhound Adoption

Greyhound Rescue and Adoption of Kentucky
Shamrock Greyhound Placement

Greyhound Pets of America

Maine Greyhound Placement Service 

A Greyhound's Wish 
Greyt Expectations Greyhound Rescue 
Greyhound Rescue, Inc.
Greyhound Welfare Inc 

Amazing Greyz Inc.
Greyhound Friends
Greyhound Welfare Inc

Renewed Life for Greyhounds

Greyheart Greyhound Rescue and Adoption
REGAP Michigan   
Grey Heart 
Allies for Greyhounds of West Michigan
Greyhounds of Eastern Michigan 
Greyhounds Make Greyt Pets

Greyt Hounds of Eastern Michigan
Michigan Greyhound Connection
REGAP of Michigan

Second Chance for Greyhounds

Rochester REGAP Minnesota

Kansas City Retired Greyhounds as Pets
Rescued Racers Missouri


(Served by groups in surrounding states)
Please submit your link.

New Hampshire 
Greyhound Placement Service of NH *We can offer a strong personal recommendation for this one. Our first hounds were introduced to us by Michele. Tell her we sent you!
Greyhound Welfare Inc
Fast Friends

New Jersey
GAF Northeast Chapter
Greyhound Friends New Jersey
New Jersey Greyhound Adoption Program

New Mexico
Greyhound Companions of New Mexico
New Mexico Greyhound Connection

New York 
Finger Lakes Adopt A Grey (FLAAG)
Gorges Greyhounds NY
Grateful Greyhounds of New York
Greyhound Rescue Adoption Team
Greyhound Rescue & Rehabilitation
Kindred Spirits Greyhound Adoption
Long Island Greyhound Transfer

North Carolina
Project Racing Home

Greyhound Friends of North Carolina
Triangle Greyhound Society

Freedom Greyhound Rescue
Greyhound Adoption of Ohio
Ohio Greyhound Gathering and Adoption (OGGA)
NE Ohio Greyhound Rescue, Inc.
North Coast Greyhound Connection

Hounds of the Heartland
Halfway Home Greyhound Adoption

Oregon Greyhound Adoption
Homes For Hounds

First State Greyhound Rescue
GAF Northeast Chapter

Keystone Greyhounds

Nittany Greyhounds

Philly Greyhound Connection
Personalized Greyhounds, Inc.
Pocono Greyhound Adoption

Make Peace With Animals
Rainbow's End Greyhound Rescue

Steel City Greyhounds

Rhode Island 
Greyhound Welfare Inc.
Lincoln Greyhound Adoption Program

South Carolina 
Forthehounds, Inc

Greyhound Crossroads
Greyhound Lifesavers

South Dakota

Please submit your link.

Greyhound Rescue Foundation of Tennessee

Castle Greyhound Rescue of Texas

Greyhound Gang
Second Chance Greyhounds

Blue Ridge Greyhound Adoption
Greyhound Welfare Inc.

Greyt Expectations Greyhound Rescue

Greyhound Rescue of Vermont
Northern Greyhound Adoptions *The source of a hound named Nigel. Don and Dorothy are great people, please support them!


West Virginia
Fast Friends Greyhound Rescue

Heart Bound Greyhound Adoption
GPA Wisconsin

Please submit your link.


International Rescue Links

The Greyhound Fan Club

Friends of the Hound


Greyhound Rescue Belgium
Greyhounds in Need Belgium


Adopt-A-Greyhound of Central Canada

Puget Sound Greyhound Adoptions

Levriers en Detresse

Greyhound Protection International e.V.

St. Greyhounds Rescue

Dog Rescue Ireland

Ireland Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Limerick Animal Welfare

Greyhound Adopt Center, Italy

Animal Freedom Korea

Korea Animal Protection Society

Greyhounds in Need

Greyhound Action

Scottish Greyhound Sanctuary

United Kingdom
The Greyhound Sanctuary