Thursday, May 21, 2009

One Day Monday 2

One day last week, I did some research to find out why Nigel was retired from racing at such a tender young age.

Nigel: "Bait tampering!!"

One day over the holiday weekend, Mrs. Author brushed out Sola's winter coat and said there was enough to make another dog. So I proved her correct.

One day ago, Sola made it clear that she was feeling like her old self.

One day, I hope that the number of those who we must pause to honor on this day will stop growing.

What does one day look like to you? Play One Day Monday. Posts need not be about "one day at a time" - rather, they must only contain "one day". One day I will, one day I did something, one day is not enough to, one day I saw a get the point. Post a comment here with a link to your blog post when this post goes up next Monday to let the world know you have one day to talk about. If you can whip one up today feel free to leave a link here.


  1. Very nice "one day" post. It's definitely something to think about. Time will tell if I have a worthy "one day" post.

    Great picture of Nigel and his water-babes!

    Enjoy what's left of this Memorial Day weekend!

  2. Mr. Author:
    I will hope there is never an end to the witness of bravery and the spirit of doing. But, I join you in hoping that one day we will be remembering peace and growth without threat of war and day.

    One day, I'll stop laughing that the lawn dog you created resembles Rory a great deal. But, I'll hope it's not one day soon.

  3. One day I'll gather up the overflowing fluffy from Mom's wastebasket and send it your way!


  4. martha7:31 PM

    One day I will stop and reflect on what I want to say-before hurting someone's feelings.

  5. One day we may try doing this:)

  6. That was furry well said :)
    Big licks to you

  7. one day i'll have will power.

  8. Help... Hershey is shedding like there's no tomorrow too.. I think we might have just enough to make another dog..

  9. omdog do you have a RIVER in your backyard?!? I requested one from Mom when she was looking for houses but she totally ignored me.


  10. One day my gurlz will "talk" like your kids. :) I will try to remember the "one day" theme next Monday.

  11. One day all our furry friends will be loved and respected. There will be no need for 'rescues' or wildlife protection.

  12. One day I will recover from my split sides after seeing that fur-dog!!

  13. One day we will not wrestle on moms feet and follow her around. One day... just not today.

    Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

  14. Happy Memorial Day (albeit a bit late), doggies & drunkbunny!

  15. When next Blogger is not having major PMS, I will post and would love to keep One Day Monday on the front burner. Loved your "other" dog! lol

  16. Loved the furry on the grass in the shape of a dog - how creative and cute!
